Tuesday, September 2, 2008





Here is a start! The first person to post a comment stating which item/items they want to purchase will be the new owner. Items can be picked up or delivered, depending on location. Smaller items can be shipped with the new owner paying the cost.

Very old checkers board with ouija board on the back(I did not feel safe having the ouija board picture posted). $45.00

Primitive Bench with original paint- $40

Shabby Header w/ old hooks(perfect for an entrance)- $20

Shabby Side Table with drawer- $30

Antique Treble Light/ Perfect bird nesting spot- $15
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Joannefromcanada said...

I love the tin art item. Is it possible that I am the first person to comment? How can that be?

Hollie Allen said...

Sorry, it has been spoken for.

Hollie Allen said...

Sorry, it has been spoken for.